To boost food production and ensure food security, officials of the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP), through its Claveria campus, met with heads of the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) on August 4, 2020 on the establishment of a TechnoPark.

OIC-Chancellor Ruvel J. Cuasito, Sr. and Vice-Chancellor for Administration and TechnoPark General Manager Clint Django G. Pacana discussed with DA-10 Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado on the project brief and the inclusion of the agency on the TechnoPark Master Plan and coordinating committee.

“The project seeks to build an agriculture and food innovation hub in Claveria, Misamis Oriental – a municipality that is considered as the ‘food basket’ of the province,” shared OIC-Chancellor Cuasito.

To this, RED Collado signified the agency’s support on the project and shared that it is in line with the agency’s thrust on food security.

“We will be looking into the possible interventions of the agency for this project,” he said.

Also joining the meeting were Regional Technical Director for Operations Carlota S. Madriaga, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Division Chief Cora A. Dumayaca and DA Consultant Joel S. Rudinas.

Another round of meeting will be scheduled later this month for USTP to present the details of their strategic plans and ideas for the said establishment. # (AMBManto, DA-10)