Representatives of the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standard (BAFS) paid a courtesy visit to DA-RFO 10 OIC-Regional Technical Director for Research, Regulations and Integrated Laboratories, Audy G. Maagad on September 26, 2022, on behalf of OIC-Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado.

The BAFS personnel is on a one-week field data gathering assignment in Northern Mindanao relative to the development of an Explanatory Manual for the Philippine National Standards (PNS) Code on Good Animal Husbandry Practice (GAHP) for Beef Cattle and Buffalo.

The team will be visiting identified cattle and buffalo farm owners/operators in the region on September 26-30, 2022, with the assistance of the Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division of DA-10 in terms of coordination and data gathering support. # (ATalib)