Agri 10 RED Collado tackles the agri interventions that can support arms to farms-related endeavors.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – Department of Agriculture – Northern Mindanao (DA-10) OIC-Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado convened with officials from the Regional Mobile Force Battalion (RMFB) 10 and National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) 10 on March 28, 2023 at the agency compound.

In PLTCOL Isralene Z. Lauren of RMFB 10 and NAPOLCOM 10 assistant regional director Atty. Ramon E. Dela Cruz’s courtesy visit to the department, PTCOL Lauren shared their intent to introduce former rebels (FRs) into farming.

Dir. Collado cited various interventions that DA-10 can offer, ranging from production support services, agricultural machinery and equipment, extension support, education and training services, market development, among others which can be extended to both the uniformed forces and FRs.

“To guide the surrenderees into a progressive lifestyle, the agency can provide seed assistance for urban gardening, which will be a great avenue to start a small business and even help them in food security and sustainability. We can also ask for the services of our agriculturists and the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) for the conduct of trainings that can introduce them to more opportunities in agriculture,” the agri chief exec said.

“Also recognizing the colonel’s plans on implementing agriculture approaches into RMFB’s Revitalized Pulis sa Barangay program, mainly to avert insurgencies, the director further encouraged PLTCOL Lauren to submit project proposals seeking DA-10’s interventions and further assured the department’s support to the goal of transforming arms to farms.# (RLTolentino)