DA-RADDL 10 shares lab practices during the One Health Approach workshop.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – The Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (RADDL) of the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) welcomes participants of the One Health Approach workshop for a Laboratory walkthrough on May 22.

The DA-RFO 10’s RADDL is among the priority sites visited during the five-day One Health Approach Consultative Workshop for the National Laboratory System and Biosafety and Biosecurity Thematic Areas of International Health Regulation – Joint External Evaluation from May 20-24.

The said workshop aims to promote awareness and share expertise on diversed laboratory practices while strengthening partnership between laboratory focal persons of the DA, Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and Department of Health (DOH).

It also seeks to create an operational plan integrating the human, animal and environment sector toward a One Health Approach.

The DA-RFO 10 RADDL provides services such as diagnostic test of major animal diseases, disease surveillance and research.

DA-RFO 10 Regional Technical Director for Operations Carlota S. Madriaga and Regional Technical Director for Research and Regulations Cora A. Dumayaca welcomed the group while Integrated Laboratory Division (ILD) chief, Viralou L. Tuquib, DVM, briefed the participants on the RADDL’s laboratory procedure and practices.# (AMBM)