DA-10 helps capacitate LFTs on report writing.


Cagayan de Oro City – As the DA’s frontliners in delivering agricultural extension services to the farmers, the Department of Agriculture – Region 10 (DA-10) through its Various Production Support Services Unit (VPSSU) convened Northern Mindanao’s Local Farmer Technicians (LFTs) for a Report Writing Training on July 11-12, in this city.

In line with the DA’s sustained commitment to increase the country’s rice production, the LFTs were tasked to conduct farmer-to-farmer extension service at the grassroots level to promote the adoption of best rice farming practices in their community.

As one of the bases in planning and programming appropriate agricultural interventions for rice farmers in the region, the LTFs are required to submit monthly reports encapsulating the current farming scenarios in their community.

According to Marnelly Ann P. Flores, DA-10 VPSSU focal person, the reports submitted by the LFTs are crucial documents for the DA to craft appropriate policies to address pressing agricultural issues in the farming communities.

As part of the training, the LFTs were retooled in writing substantive reports of their field activities and accomplishments to comply with the DA-required data.

The LFTs were also apprised on Farm and Fisheries Clustering and Consolidation (F2C2) program of the DA to assist farmers’ associations, cooperatives (FCAs) in their locality in merging as clusters and engage in consolidated farm production and marketing modalities.# (ATT)