DA-NorMin highlights Local Farmer Technicians’
roles in streamlining rice extension services


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – The Department of Agriculture – Northern Mindanao (DA-NorMin) recognized the imperative roles of Local Farmer Technicians (LFTs) as front-runners in streamlining its rice program extension services in Northern Mindanao.

On the December 16 episode of the “Usapang Agrikultura” of Radyo Pilipinas 1 DXIM, Marnelly Ann P. Flores, Agriculturist II of the DA-RFO 10’s Field Operations Division, underscored the indispensable roles of the LFTs in augmenting the delivery of agricultural extension services to rice farmers, given the country’s limited Agricultural Extension Technicians (AET), which has a ratio of only 1 to every 150 barangays (1:150).

In corollary, the DA developed the concept of farmer-to-farmer extension modality by tapping the LFTs as its key partners in fortifying agri-developments, to top up the limited AETs in the local government units (LGUs).

According to Flores, the LFTs facilitate the adoption and replication of advanced rice production technologies in the local communities such as the Integrated Rice-Duck Farming System (IRDFS).

Among their responsibilities, the LFTs also assist in the implementation of Rice Program interventions, including the enrollment of farmers in the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture (RSBSA), the distribution of rice seeds, fertilizers, and other DA provisions, collection of pest incidence data, and the monitoring and validation of crop damages caused by pests, typhoons, and other calamities, along with other assigned duties.

Flores emphasized that, as stipulated in Memorandum Order No. 007, Series of 2024, the DA-NorMin provides the LFTs a Php 4,000 monthly performance incentive (Php 48,000 annually), contingent on the submission of a monthly accomplishment report duly approved by their local agriculturist.

In coordination with the municipal, city, and provincial agricultural offices, the DA will select LFTs who graduated in rice-related training/s and are engaged in cultivating or managing a rice field. Additionally, they must be members of an Irrigators’ Association, registered in the RSBSA, and endorsed by their Local Chief Executive (LCE).

Moreover, selected farmers must be willing to share their knowledge and experience in rice farming and are also willing to undergo appropriate training, briefings, and orientations. The DA-NorMin coordinates with the Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center 10 (ATI-RTC 10) to ensure that all LFTs undergo the required training.

Further, Flores stressed the importance of communication skills for LFTs.

“The LFTs need to be physically fit, have good moral character, and, of course, good communication skills. Relational skills are essential for LFTs as they mobilize the delivery of information and services to their fellow rice farmers in their locality.”

LFTs will serve for one year based on the guidelines stated in the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the DA, LGU, and the LFTs. However, the re-appointment can be done every year upon the approval of the Municipal Agriculturists based on their performance and qualifications.

In 2025, DA-NorMin will contract 84 LFTs across the five provinces of Northern Mindanao, 43 of them from Bukidnon. This reflects the strategic allocation of LFTs based on the size of rice farms in the areas.

Interested farmers who wish to become LFTs can visit their municipal, city, or provincial agricultural offices for more information.

The “Usapang Agrikultura” airs Monday to Friday from 5 to 6 A.M. to provide Filipino farmers with the latest updates and innovations in agriculture.# (BJCE)