

DA Reg’l Info Officers, farmcasters conference underscores SOA livestreaming

“If we, the farmcasters won’t use social media, who else will persuade younger people to get back and do farming as a business?,” Region 11 School-on-the-Air (SOA) anchor Janoz S. Laguihon said during the Department of Agriculture (DA) Regional Information Officers (RIOs) and Farmcasters Conference cum Assessment and Workshop, held in Davao City.

As part of the event speakers, Laquihon, also known as “Kuya Janz” of DXFE 1197 AM Radio – “Balik Kita sa Uma” host imparted the transition of the 45-year old program originally hosted by his father in terms of technology. As he can recall, his father used to repeat his audio recording several times early in the morning just to come up with a better output. Today, audio recording can be polished through audio editor.

In 2016, Laquihon realized the need of reviving the program with the evolution of communication and technology, pushing him to engage the program into social media through Facebook.

He said, social media plays a significant role in the conduct of School-on-the-Air (SOA) programs, a distance learning system employed by DA to educate local farmers using radio stations. Since it is a web-based program, it can engage netizens who care about farming not only in the region, but as well as other countries.

Further, he introduced the use of Open Broadcasters Software (OBS), a free and open-source streaming application for video-sharing via internet.

With OBS, agricultural information-dissemination will become more convenient and efficient thru Facebook Live. Moreover, SOA will be enhanced digitally even without the radio station equipment and can be previewed through the record setting.

The event is spearheaded by DA-Central Office, thru the Agricultural and Fisheries Information Division (AFID) from November 19-21, 2018. # (EMB)

DA updates animal prod’n personnel on Phil-AHIS

Cagayan de Oro City – The Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 thru its Livestock Program held the 9th Annual Regional Philippine Animal Health Information System (Phil-AHIS) Conference on November 21-22, 2018, here in the city.

Regional Phil-AHIS Coordinator, Dr. Rhea Chiu said that the activity is an avenue to discuss the status of Phil-AHIS, its current system updates, accomplishments and challenges, including the potentials and future actions to improve the reporting system.

Phil-AHIS is an integrated system designed to enhance the animal health and management capability of the country by providing standard, timely and improved quality information through the use of automatic data generation.

Importantly, DA-RFO 10 OIC-Regional Director Carlene C. Collado encouraged the local government units’ active participation and utilization of the system for the development of the livestock and poultry sector.

The Provincial/City Veterinary Offices (P/CVO) presented their reports on animal health services which include vaccination, spaying, neutering, among others.

Meanwhile, one of the highlights of the conference is the tarpaulin design and layout contest that encourages the Phil-AHIS counterparts on how to convey a clear message in maximizing the use of the system relative to animal health monitoring, routine services and vaccination.

OIC-RD Collado awarded all the top 5 winners with certificates and corresponding cash prizes. The following are: 1st placer – PVO Bukidnon with a cash prize of P5,000; 2nd – CVO Cagayan de Oro City (P3,000); 3rd – PVO Lanao del Norte (P2,000); 4th – PVO Camiguin (P1,000); and 5th placer – PVO Misamis Occidental with a cash prize of P1,000.

The tarpaulin design and layout were adjudged based on the selection criteria: content (50%), design and layout (30%), overall impact (10%) and written explanation (10%).

On the other hand, Ma. Lourdes M. Sypiecco, Livestock Program coordinator posed a challenge to the participants, comprising of Phil-AHIS report officers, encoders, provincial/city/municipal veterinarians from the five provinces of Region 10, in sustaining the gains of the system.

Further, Dr. Leo Mira, the regional veterinary quarantine officer and Dr. Imer Dante Occena of the National Veterinary Quarantine Services of the Bureau of Animal Industry presented the issuance of permits and other transportation document requirements of animals.

Jaypee Pichay of DA-RFO 10 presented the Phil-AHIS updates while Dr. Alanita Jumalon, Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory chief likewise presented their services, including its protocol on laboratory samples collection and submission. # (ATCabig)

Rice Program Focal Person Chona H. Nacalaban gives details on the SEEDEX Program


To help raise small farmers’ productivity and income, the Rice Program of the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 conducted a Seminar on Seed Exchange Program (SEEDEX) to rice farmers on November 20-21, 2018 at the Research Complex for Upland Development, Dangcagan, Bukidnon.

Rice Program Focal Person Chona H. Nacalaban said that the project aims to empower rice farmers use high-quality inbred rice seeds in an informal farmer production and exchange system, and enhance access to appropriate inbred rice varieties, and impart advantages of using high-quality inbred rice seeds.

With SEEDEX, it produces high-quality rice seeds that’s available, accessible, and affordable at all times. # (SVA)

UAS Orientation-Workshop. Representatives from the different OUs of DA-10 listen close as they get to familiarize themselves in flying the drone, which has a maximum altitude of 1,640 feet high.


Cagayan de Oro City – With the objective of producing an efficient and effective agricultural land photo and video surveillance and area mapping system, the Rice Program of the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) initiated a five-day orientation and workshop on Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), starting November 5, 2018.

The participants, composed of the department’s operating unit representatives were capacitated on making flight plans of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) using the Mission Planner and Google Earth software application.

The UAS involves the use of UAV for a specific mission, combined with various other sub-systems in achieving its purpose.

There are two types of UAVs presented in the workshop, the quadcopter (4-propeller UAV) multi-rotor aircraft and the fixed-wing plane.

The multi-rotor aircraft also known as Dynamic Remotely Operated Navigation Equipment (DRONE) is a type of vehicle which uses its propellers for flight and sideward motions with a maximum altitude of 1,640 feet high. It also requires small flat areas as it can be launched and landed anywhere. While, the fixed-wing UAV uses its wings and two propellers for lifting and flight. It can fly at a maximum altitude of 26,000 feet high with at most one hour battery power. To land the vehicle, it should have at least 50-100 meters of straight clearance approach, depending on the length and size of the unit. Considering its higher flight altitude capacity, a wider angle of the area can be captured by the camera.

Aside from the actual flying of the multi-rotor aircraft, the participants learned on how to fly the fixed-wing plane using a software application called the simulator, in which the unit’s remote control is attached to a computer or laptop.

At the end of the training, the participants were grouped into three teams: the operator or controller, in-charge of the actual flight in the field; the visual spotter, responsible in the general condition of the location; and the telemetry, task to monitor and provide regular feedback to the UAV operator based on the flight plan programmed in the computer. Each was assigned based on the results of the written and practical examination conducted by the resource speaker Reginald Alfred P. Braceros, a member of Davao AUS. # (EMB)

OIC- RD Carlene C. Collado of DA- RFO 10 commended the cooperation of the rice retailers for the realization of the SRP launching in Region 10. He likewise assures the public the availability of commercial rice at reasonable prices.


Cagayan de Oro City – The Department of Agriculture – National Food Authority (DA-NFA) in Region 10 launches the suggested retail price (SRP) for rice, earlier today, November 8, 2018 in Cogon Market, here in the city.

The government’s move was welcomed and supported by Helen M. Fernandez, president of the Grains Retailers Confederation of Region 10 and Misamis Oriental, citing that the government is continuously pursuing initiatives for the welfare of the populace. Further, she said the launching of SRP is a crisis of change but will help more the consumers. As she has pronounced, her group will always support the government’s plans and programs.

On the other hand, DA-RFO 10 Regional Director, Carlene C. Collado emphasized that the activity is in response to the agenda of President Rodrigo R. Duterte to provide affordable and available food for the people. Importantly, the activity was simultaneously conducted in other provinces in the region like Camiguin, Misamis Occidental and Bukidnon.

According to NFA-10 Regional Director, Dianne A. Silva, the joint effort is in response to the directive set by DA and NFA pursuant to Memorandum AO-2018-10-056 issued by DA Secretary and NFA Council Chair, Emmanuel F. Piñol.

The launching of the SRP for rice will be set according to the milling grade: regular milled, well-milled and premium. The SRP are as follows: P39/kg for local regular milled rice, P44/kg for local well-milled rice and P39/kg for the imported well-milled; P47/kg local premium grade and P40-43/kg for imported. No SRP for special rice like malagkit and denorado.

The activity was supported by other agencies, including the Department of Trade and Industry, Philippine National Police, City Local Government Unit of Cagayan de Oro and different retailer associations. # (ATCabig)


This month of November the whole country is celebrating the National Rice Awareness Month (NRAM) with the theme: “Quality Rice, Quality Life”.

The Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 lined-up different activities such as the Agri-Trivia shows for elementary and junior high school students; feeding program; press conference on the Suggested Retail Price for rice and radio guesting, among others.

The celebration focuses on improving farmers’ competitiveness to produce quality rice, while reaching out to all rice eaters to be aware on responsible rice consumption.

Specifically, it aims to strengthen the bond between rice farmers and the consumers towards quality life. Accordingly, DA encourages farmers to produce quality rice and instill the values of responsible rice consumption among consumers, thus contribute in achieving rice sufficiency in the country.

Through these, farmers will be more inspired to farm through the use of efficient farming technologies, have access to rice information and engage in agri-preneurship.

Consumers should also do their part by not wasting rice, eating brown rice, valuing safe and nutritious rice, and most all, thanking rice farmers. #(SVA)

DA-BAFS apprises stakeholders on OA updates

To keep organic practitioners and other relevant stakeholders posted on the adoption of organic agriculture (OA), the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards of the Department of Agriculture staged a three-day Awareness Seminar on the Revised Department Circulars, New Guidelines and Philippine National Standards (PNS) relative to OA, here in the city of Cagayan de Oro.

Participated by more than 50 delegates from DA regional field offices, local government units, private sector and the academe from regions 9, 10, 11 and 13, the activity was primarily done to further the implementation of RA 10068 or otherwise known as the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010.

Kicking off the series of lectures was Dr. Rodel G. Maghirang’s discussion on the PNS for OA. Other matters lined-up include the Revised Guidelines for the Official Accreditation of Organic Certifying Bodies; Rules and Procedures for both BAFS Registration of Organic Farmers and Organic Input Producers, and Registration of Primary and Postharvest Organic Food and Non-food Products; Transition Period for the Registration of Establishments of Primary and Postharvest Food and Non-Food Products; and Food Systems for Healthy and Sustainable Diets. #

DA-RFO 10 Regional Technical Director Carmelita T. Bajarla, MBA delivered her welcome address before the 200 participants during the opening of the Seminar- Workshop on Rice Value Chain and Comparative Efficiency in the Philippines.


Cagayan de Oro – Rice stakeholders from Visayas and Mindanao attended the two-day Seminar Workshop on Rice Value Chain and Comparative Efficiency in the Philippines, held in the city.

The purpose of the seminar-workshop is to address the major concerns of the rice industry in the country and address the gaps of knowledge generation and application of these knowledge, and to institutionalize the science-based policies towards the development of the rice industry.

“We are optimistic that we can deliver better tasks and outputs for the enhanced implementation of DA’s programs and projects, not only in our region but for the whole country, as well, Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office 10 Regional Technical Director Carmelita T. Bajarla, MBA said before the 200 participants, comprising of rice stakeholders from the different regions of Visayas and Mindanao.

The government will continue to support the agriculture sector to achieve notable economic growth because feeding a growing population is always a major challenge,“ she further said.

At the end of the workshop, the participants were able to strategize and come up with their science-based outputs and these will be consolidated and analyzed by the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), the lead implementing agency.

Attendees are rice focal persons, stakeholders, regional federation presidents of Small Water Impounding System Associations (SWISAs) and irrigator’s associations, millers and traders.

This is also attended by the Agricultural Training Institute, National Irrigation Administration, National Food Authority, Agricultural Credit Policy Council, DA-Central Office, representatives from the Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division, PhilRice and agri-extension workers from the provincial/city/municipal local government units. # (SVA)


Cagayan de Oro City – Outstanding AFC chairpersons in Region 10 were evaluated for the Philippine Council for Agricultural and Fisheries (PCAF)’s search for Outstanding AFC Chairpersons and Coordinators on August 6-9, 2018.

In line with this, Region 10 nominees for the said search Edgardo D. Layug, chair of the Regional Agricultural and Fishery Council (RAFC), Mario S. Jamis, chair of the Provincial Agricultural and Fishery Council (PAFC) of Misamis Oriental and Marcelino M. Patindol, chair of the Municipal Agricultural and Fishery Council (MAFC) of Claveria, Misamis Oriental were evaluated by the National Technical Committee (NTC).

The said awards, due for December this year, aim to give recognition to the individuals in the private sector who have shown excellent performance in the development of the agriculture sector. # (AMBManto, DA-RFO10)


To keep stakeholders informed about the different pests that may threaten the corn and cassava industry in the region, the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) through its Regulatory Division conducts a two-day Training and Updates on Corn and Cassava Pests Identification and Management, starting on August 7, 2018, here in Cagayan de Oro.

In her message, Regulatory Division Chief Juliet B. Araos stated that the said activity is in line with the mandate of the Regulatory Services which is to keep the region from pest outbreaks.

Further, she said that the training aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of the attending agricultural extension workers (AEWs) and farmers in handling pests on corn and cassava, especially amid climate change.

Topics covered during the course of the activity include Pest Identification and Management on Corn and Cassava as well as an Introduction to Monitoring Forms and Protocols. # (AMBManto, DA-RFO10)