
LGU San Fernando with an FMR subproject undergoes procurement training for harmonized World Bank guidelines.


VALENCIA CITY, BUKIDNON – The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project 10 (DA-PRDP 10) together with the Mindanao Project Support Office (PSO Mindanao) conducted the first procurement training for harmonized World Bank (WB) guidelines for the year 2024 on January 9-12.

The training was given to the Local Government Unit of San Fernando, Bukidnon for the concreting of the 8.62 KM Mahayag, Namnam – Iglugsad – Kibongcog Farm to Market Road SP which was issued with a No Objection Letter 1 (NOL 1) by the National Project Coordinating Office (NPCO) last December 27.

DA-10 Regional Executive Director and DA-PRDP 10 Project Director Carlene C. Collado congratulated the first LGU given approval for their subproject to be funded under PRDP Scale- up.

He also emphasized that it is essential for the LGU to be capacitated on the protocols and guidelines of the WB procurement process.

“I am positive that this training will prepare and capacitate the participants in order to have a smooth and successful project implementation – starting from the PR prep down to finalizing the winning bidder,” Dir. Collado said.

He also assured the LGU that RPCO 10 will always be of assistance for the future success of the SP.

To show his support for the SP, San Fernando mayor Rogelio C. Yeke also attended the activity. In his message, he expressed his gratitude for PRDP’s support and guidance.

“I am thankful to the PRDP team for the assistance that our project is to be issued NOL 1 under PRDP Scale-up. I ask for your continued support and teamwork for the implementation of our subproject,” Mayor Yeke said.

The training serves as a prerequisite for the LGU to proceed to the next level of procurement which includes the preparation of enabling documents for public bidding.

Resource speakers for the training were PSO-Mindanao Procurement Officers Chona Jarabata and Ellen Briones together with DA-PRDP 10 Procurement Unit Head Jeffrey B. Baja, Proc Officer Dionesio Cagampang, RIE Engr. Antonio Teves, and Finance Analyst Andrew Salon. # (IAgawin)

DA-PRDP 10 bags the most awards during the 4th PRDP Mindanao Cluster Awards.


DAVAO CITY- With great honor and pride, the Department of Agriculture, Philippine Rural Development Project 10 (DA-PRDP 10) received the most coveted award in the recently concluded 4th PRDP Mindanao Cluster Awards night on January 11, 2024, in this city.

Region 10 bagged the Gold award for Outstanding Performance in the physical and financial accomplishments and overall execution of subproject implementation in 2023, which significantly contributed to the development of rural communities in the region.

Accepting the award, DA-10 Regional Executive Director and DA-PRDP 10 Project Director, Carlene C. Collado, expressed his gratitude to the organizer, the Project Support Office (PSO) Mindanao for initiating the event.

“This award is the fruit of our labor and this will serve as an inspiration for the team to do more.” the director said further thanking the people who were instrumental in pushing Region 10 to the top.

Aside from the major award, DA-PRDP 10 also received the following awards:

1st place – Financial accomplishments award;
1st place- Largest Portfolio of IREAP subproject;
1st place- Updated CIP award;
Highest disbursement for IBUILD;
2nd place- Fastest Average Procurement Timeline award (bid opening to award);
2nd place- Physical Accomplishment award;
3rd place- Most number of completed IBUILD subprojects (AF2-EU);
3rd place- Most number of cleared procurement entries in the WB step portal and;
The Convergence Award: Private Sector Engagement.

The event was also graced by the RPCO teams from regions 9, 11, 12, 13 and BARMM.#

Agri-10 sets aside over P9.2-million for the implementation of an intercropping program for coconut farmers regionwide thru CFIDP. 


MALAYBALAY CITY, BUKIDNON – The Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office headed by its Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado together with the High Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) handed over certificates of turnover worth over P9.2 million of agricultural interventions to the beneficiaries of the Coconut Farmers Industry Development Plan (CFIDP) here.

Said interventions are composed of cacao and coffee seedlings, including organic and inorganic fertilizers intended for some 82 identified beneficiaries across the region, such as farmers’ cooperatives and the local government units (LGUs).

RED Collado said that the agri assistance promotes the sustainable growth of the coconut sector by also implementing an intercropping program through the rehabilitation and rejuvenation of existing coffee and cacao trees already intercropped under coconuts, expansion of coconut-coffee and coconut-cacao intercropping, and establishment of cacao and coffee nurseries.

For facilitation, Director Collado handed over the certificates to the Philippine Coconut Authority – X through its Regional Manager Manuel G. Octobre for distribution to the identified recipients throughout Northern Mindanao.

On the same occasion, LGU Manolo Fortich represented by Emerson John B. Tagas, agricultural technician, received 27 bags of organic fertilizer amounting to almost P13K.

Following the signing of Republic Act 11524, otherwise known as the Coconut Farmers and Industry Fund Act, CFIDP was approved through Executive Order 172, which was signed on June 2, 2022, which aims to increase the income and productivity of coconut farmers toward poverty alleviation and achieving social equality.# (MPMT)

BLMC receives their P2-M check for emerging as the champion of DA and ATI’s CCMEA.


EL SALVADOR CITY, MISAMIS ORIENTAL – The Bliss Lingion Multipurpose Cooperative (BLMC) is seen to escalate their operations and augment farmers’ income, as they have received a P2-million in check on January 11, for emerging as the champion in the Agricultural Training Institute and the Department of Agriculture’s 2023 Cassava Cluster Management Excellence Award.

As the 29-year old organization based in Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon continues to primarily engage in cassava production with sealed marketing agreements with established feed millers and other market outlets, Bliss targets to procure a hauling truck using the monetary prize to reduce postharvest losses and transportation costs as well as hasten their deliveries and enable them to meet any required volume in time.

BLMC has garnered the top prize for said award, as they have contributed to the furtherance of the cassava industry in the country, with emphasis on being involved and supportive of DA’s implementation of various programs, projects and interventions that overall help uplift the lives of its coop members.# (JLO)

EL SALVADOR CITY, MISAMIS ORIENTAL – The Mantibugao Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Farmers’ Cooperative (MARBFC) is eyed to advance the upkeep of their existing postharvest facilities with the P2-million award from the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture (DA) through its Corn Program.

The Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon-based corn cluster has received their monetary prize on January 11 for being the grand winner of said award, where it recognizes and honors outstanding organizations that have catalyzed the development of the corn industry in the country.

For more than three decades since it was formed, MARBFC has established and strengthened partnerships with entities, including DA for the implementation of its various projects and interventions that aim to help corn farmers attain maximum and sustainable yield, and an assured market. #

Agri-10 participates in a virtual meeting to further aid the development of the soybean industry.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY — Through a shared commitment to bolster the production of soybeans in the country, the Department of Agriculture National Soybean and Sorghum Program conducted a virtual meeting with DA regional field offices (RFOs) 1, 10, and 11 to discuss the agency’s proposed interventions for the said commodity on January 10 to 11.

In his message, Rodolfo N. Panganiban, national focal person for soybean, said that the meeting aims to gather inputs from the aforementioned regional offices, eyed as the project’s pilot regions, to craft a collective project proposal that tackles key industry challenges of soybean.

Such challenges identified in the proposal include limited local soybean varieties for optimal processing, damaged seeds due to unsound machineries, poor storage systems, unharmonized test methods with trading partners, unsystematic supply chain stakeholders, and the inability to address sustainable environmental concerns.

During the proposal drafting, representatives from the three RFOs tackled region-specific targets, activities, and expected outcomes that correspond to the proposal’s strategies to diversify commodity system-based production and value-adding and enterprise development.

It further tackles seed, food, and nutrition security, strengthens measures for environmental sustainability, fosters inclusive and equitable sector growth, and harmonizes the collaboration of local government units (LGUs) and RFOs for technology transfer.

DA-10 Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado expressed his support for the project proposal, underscoring its implications on the current approach of the Department to refine the production of soybeans in the country and Northern Mindanao.

Further, the agri chief executive said that the endeavor is aligned with the agency’s mandate to support the production of agricultural crops, including soybean and sorghum, for food, feeds, and industrial uses as stipulated in Memorandum Order No. 15, Series of 2021.

As a pilot region, DA-10 will serve as the lead responsible office for the project’s activities on soybean adaptability and varietal improvement, product development, laboratory capacity building, and waste management.

In addition, the RFO will also assist in sub-activities and research on pest management, and soil fertility, as well as extension and training services and technology transfer in coordination with LGUs and farmers’ cooperatives, associations (FCAs).

Said meeting was supported by chiefs and personnel from the Field Operations, Integrated Laboratory, Regional Agricultural Engineering, Research, Regulatory, and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation divisions, and research stations (Regional Crop Protection Center and Northern Mindanao Agricultural Crops and Livestock Research Complex) of DA-RFO 10.# (GDA)

Members of MOWOPCO receive agri assistance from DA-10 SAAD through its Egg Production Project.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – Members of the Mosangot Women’s Producer Cooperative (MOWOPCO) of Binuangan town, Misamis Oriental recently received P697,800 worth of agri-livelihood support from the Department of Agriculture – Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program through Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado.

Twenty-five women poultry raisers who are members of MOWOPCO will benefit from the said assistance as part of its Egg Production Project.

The intervention includes a package of 315 ready-to-lay chicken, 7 chicken cages, 100 bags of chicken layers feeds, and veterinary drugs and biologics.

The MOWOPCO is among the seven identified beneficiary Farmers’ Associations/Cooperatives (FCAs) in Misamis Oriental for the DA-SAAD Phase 2 implementation from 2023 to 2028.

The cooperative is operating an estimated 7.62 hectares (ha) of land area dedicated for livestock production.

As their counterpart, the group apportioned some 130 square meters of production area where they built their poultry house for the chicken layers.

MOWOPCO is set to begin supplying eggs to wholesalers and retailers in the local market in Binuangan town starting this month, with an expected initial sales of P49,950 per month.

The cooperative is set to receive other assistance such as 100 egg trays and five rolls of chicken nets in the first quarter of 2024 as a package to the DA-SAAD egg production project.#(JAS)

Agri-10 conducts coordination meeting highlighting climate-resilient agriculture for high-valued crops.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – To further expand basic information on climate-resilient agriculture, the Climate and Environment Risk Reduction Management Unit (CERRMU) of the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) under the helm of Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado, conducted a Climate Resiliency on High-Valued Crops coordination meeting on January 10, here.

Around 13 agricultural technicians from the different municipalities of Misamis Oriental convened to reiterate the importance of climate-resilient agriculture in attaining food security and broader development goals amid constant climate change while increasing food production on high-valued crops.

In her message, DA-10 Field Operations Division (FOD) chief Luz I. Guzman, PhD, said that the meeting will catalyze positive change in the agricultural sector, that will enable participants to identify and prioritize key areas that require immediate attention, such as the implementation of climate-smart techniques, the adoption of resilient crop varieties, and the promotion of sustainable farming practices.

“By adopting a climate-resilient and environmentally friendly approach, we can ensure sustainable agricultural practices that not only mitigate the impacts of climate change but also contribute to the overall well-being of communities,” she conveyed.

During the meeting, agency representatives discussed the following: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), updates on the High-Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) programs and projects implementation in the region, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)/Various Production Support Services (VPSS) program and updates, and post-disaster needs assessment.

As a way forward, the attendees are eyed to have more practical training sessions that will focus on the development of climate-resilient agriculture, which is crucial for the long-term success of empowering farming and fishing communities.# (RDME)

Misamis Occidental farmers undergo concoction-making training thru DA-10 SAAD.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – To capacitate the six farmers’ associations (FAs) in Misamis Occidental assisted by the Department of Agriculture – Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) in Region 10 recently underwent concoction-making training.

Such capacity building is part of Bio-Intensive Agricultural Production Training provided by the program in preparation for the full-swing implementation of their agri-livelihood production projects in 2024.

Twenty-five members of the six FAs attended the concoction-making training to upgrade their farming knowledge and skills, particularly in making alternative fertilizers and pesticides to replace chemicals.

The participating FAs are the Punta Sulong SAAD Phase 2 Farmers Association (Baliangao), Maligubaan Farmers’ Association (Concepcion), Gandawan Strawberry Growers’ Association (Don Victoriano), San Roque SAAD Swine Growers Association (Panaon), Salimpuno SAAD sa Mag-uuma Association (Sapang Dalaga) and San Isidro Bajo SAAD Beneficiaries Association (Sinacaban).

Each FA was capacitated in producing fermented fruit juice, fermented plant juice, and fish amino acid, which will be used as foliar fertilizers and vitamins for animals; Calcium Phosphate or CaPhos for poultry and foliar fertilizer for crops; lactic acid for good animal digestion; and oriental herb nutrients as an organic pesticide, antibiotic, and dewormer.

The DA-SAAD phase 2 is being implemented in 5th and 6th-class towns in Misamis Occidental for a period of six years from 2023-2028, providing agri-livelihood interventions to identify the poorest of the poor farmers in the province.#

DA-10 provides support to MIS’ urban agri initiatives. 


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – To promote the production and consumption of vegetables and at the same time address malnutrition, the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) handed over some vegetable seeds and garden tools to Musibay Integrated School (MIS) in Nunungan, Lanao del Norte on January 12 at the agency compound.

On behalf of DA-10 Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado, Mindanao Inclusive Agriculture Development Project Deputy Director Joel S. Rudinas and Senior Agriculturist, Richan D. Lacanaria of the Field Operations Division, turned over assorted (Pinakbet) vegetable seeds, and garden tools such as light hoe, plastic seedling tray, shovel, sprinkler, and weeding bolo to Onilyn M. Patad, MIS farm worker.

Patad said that the provisions will aid in the implementation of their Gulayan sa Paaralan Program, which will engage students in gardening and eventually, will also provide them with easier access to fresh and quality produce, which is essential to having a healthy diet.# (MPMT)

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