
DA-10 allocates P14-M for the agri-development of Tangub City, MisOcc.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY –The Department of Agriculture in Northern Mindanao has allocated P14 million worth of agri interventions to Tangub City to boost its agri development.

DA Undersecretary for Consumer and Political Affairs Kristine Y. Evangelista in her recent visit to Tangub City, bared the agri interventions for the city government and the Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology.

Of the total P14 million, the P3.3 million is allocated for the said SUC which includes the P1 million establishment of swine multiplier farm, P2 million establishment of trading post under the Enhanced Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita, and P300K worth of feed mixer.

The P10.76 million allocation for Tangub City is intended for the Cacao Community-based development enterprise worth P8 million and Rice Competitive Enhancement Fund – Rice Farmers Financial Assistance amounting to P2.06 million which will benefit 412 rice farmers.

Other agri inputs comprised the cacao seedlings, lowland vegetable seeds, hybrid yellow corn seeds, and pruner shear.

USec. Evangelista said, “DA 10 through Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado takes care in ensuring that the stakeholders will be given what they need, and what they can get and operate.”# (ATCabig)

DA’s 4Ks and MIADP teams conduct a community orientation in preparation for the full implementation of MIADP, which helps organized farmers in ancestral domains.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – The national team of the DA-Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran ng Kababayang Katutubo (4K) program and the Mindanao Inclusive Agriculture Development Project (MIADP) conducted a community orientation in preparation for its full implementation in selected ancestral domains in Northern Mindanao.

The team aims to verify the socioeconomic status of the ancestral domains of sitio Impahanong, Brgy. San Luis, Malitbog and sitio Kibuwa, Brgy. Impalutao, Impasug-ong, Bukidnon.

The DA-MIADP is a World Bank-funded project which aims to sustainably increase agricultural productivity, resiliency, and access to markets and services of organized farmer and fisherfolk groups in said ancestral domains.

The team is headed by the national program director Ervannie Jay P. Belarmino, with the support of DA-10, through Regional Technical Director for Operations Carlota S. Madriaga, who represented Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado.

The convergence efforts of the different government agencies include the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), concerned LGUs, Armed Forces of the Philippines, academe, DA attached agencies: PhilFIDA, BFAR, ATI; and TESDA. # (EMBentulan)

CdeO hinterland hog raisers receive ASF indemnification from DA-NorMin.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – The Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) released P1.635 million indemnification to African Swine Fever (ASF) affected hog raisers from the hinterland barangays of Taglimao, Tuburan and Tagpangi.

On October 21 at the Taglimao Covered Court, a total of 70 farmers with 327 heads of culled hogs were compensated following the depopulation measures imposed by the agri department to curb the spread of the hog viral disease.

In an interview, Annie P. Abragan of barangay Taglimao, who had the most culled hogs in the batch conveyed, “I understand the government’s efforts in preventing the spread of ASF which is for everybody’s welfare.”

She added, that the amount she received will serve as a startup to engage in small business.

DA indemnifies hog raisers at P5,000 for every culled hog on the account of the ASF.

Capping the week’s payout, 443 farmers received their cash assistance amounting to P9.730 million for their 1,946 culled hogs since DA-10’s distribution on October 19. # (RDMElloren)

DA-10 distributes test kits to strengthen biosecurity measures against ASF.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – To strengthen biosecurity measures against African Swine Fever (ASF), the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) turned over P7.49 million worth of cPCR test kits on Wednesday, October 20, 2021.

A total of 119 test kits at P63,000 each, were given to the provincial local government units of Misamis Oriental (35), Bukidnon (24) and to DA-10’s Regulatory Division (60).

After which, a demonstration was done to capacitate personnel on the usage of said equipment.

“We are thankful to DA for the test kits that we have received. This will greatly help our surveillance efforts, especially that the province is aiming towards returning to being a ‘green [ASF-free] zone’,” shared Misamis Oriental Provincial Veterinarian Benjamin S. Resma.

Leading the turnover of said kits are DA-Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado and Regional Technical Director for Research and Regulations Carmelita T. Bajarla.

Dir. Collado noted, that apart from reinforcing its biosecurity measures, the agency continues to implement its programs and services to mitigate the effect of ASF such as offering alternative livelihood projects and the distribution of ASF indemnification to the affected hog raisers. # (AMBManto)

In line with the IP month celebration nationwide, DA-10 SAAD provides farm inputs to MINTIGMAMATA, an IP association of barangay Iglusad, San Fernando, Bukidnon.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – In celebration of the National Indigenous Peoples’ (IP) Month, the Department of Agriculture – 10 (DA-10) through the Special Area for Agricultural Development Program (DA-SAAD) turned over more than P120,000 worth of farm inputs to the Minole Tigwahanon Manobo Matigsalug Tribe Association (MINTIGMAMATA) on October 14, 2021.

MINTIGMAMATA, an IP association of barangay Iglusad, San Fernando, Bukidnon, represented by their president, Datu Martin P. Daguloan, received 120 bags of organic fertilizer (P76,680.00) and 300 packets of vegetable seeds (P43,500.00) at the Northern Mindanao Agricultural Crops and Livestock Research Complex (NMACLRC), Dalwangan, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

Said provision is also in support of the department’s thrust to increase productivity and reduce poverty among the marginalized sectors in agriculture and fishery.

The effort is in pursuit of the country’s peace agenda, considering that barangay Ilusad of said municipality has been identified as one of the conflict vulnerable areas of the region by the Regional Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (RTF-ELCAC) identified area.

Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado led the turnover ceremony and assisted by DA-SAAD 10 Focal Person, Lana May S. Racines, and Field Operations Division Chief, Audy G. Maagad along with consultant Atty. Albert Lagamon. # (CRSeraspe)

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – The Department of Agriculture -10 (DA-10) conducted a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Lunokan Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP) amounting to P18.077 million on October 14, 2021 at Miglamin, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

Said facility, which will soon rise in sitio Lunukan is intended for the Lunokan Farmers Small Water Irrigation System Association, Inc. (LUFASWISA).

In an interview, LUFASWISA President Rico Cabillo said, that he is very thankful for the intervention of the agri department to their association for an improved cropping intensity.

“In a year, we can only do one cropping, heavily depending on rainwater for our crops to grow. With this SWIP, we might be able to do 2-3 croppings a year, which is a great help for us farmers, here in Lunokan. On behalf of all the members of LUFASWISA, we are thankful to DA-10 for this intervention,” he added.

Meanwhile, OIC-Chief of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Division of LGU Malaybalay, Engr. Joel Delos Reyes said, that the construction of SWIP can help in expanding their existing agricultural lands.

From 60 hectares, he detailed, it can water an additional 40 hectares which will be beneficial to other farmers in the area.

DA-10 Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado urged for the cooperation of the association, contractor, and the local government units to maximize the benefits of the project.

“Your cooperation for the completion of this project is greatly needed. I ask everyone to extend their hands to the contractor during the construction phase. If the results of the construction are good, then we will look for ways where we can give more interventions that the association has requested.”

Overall, the SWIP will benefit the 120 members of LUFASWISA, which includes indigenous people from the Umayamnon ang Higaonon tribes. # (CRSeraspe)

ASF-affected farmers in CdeO from eight barangays receive indemnification for their culled hogs as means prevent the spread of the hog viral disease in the city.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, October 19- The Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) distributes P2.445 million worth of African Swine Fever (ASF) indemnity to 112 hog raisers in eight barangays in the second district of Cagayan de Oro City, earlier today.

The DA indemnifies each hog raiser P5,000.00 for each hog depopulated on account of the ASF contagion.

Dr. Julesben Maquiling, DA-RFO 10 ASF Focal Person urged the hog raisers to capitalize on the financial assistance given by DA to start other means of livelihood as they are temporarily prohibited to grow pigs, until cleared by appropriate government authorities.

The agency headed by Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado will also distribute another

P7.285 million worth of ASF indemnity to 331 ASF-affected hog raisers in 13 barangays in the first district of Cagayan de Oro City within the week.# (ATalib)

R-10’s agri dept and CdeO vet office prep up for ASF recovery in the city.


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – Department of Agriculture – Region 10 (DA-10) Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado meets Cagayan de Oro City Veterinarian, Dr. Lucien Acac, for bilateral dialogue to lay down initial plans for the DA-CDeO LGU African Swine Fever (ASF) Recovery Program.

After the full rollout of the ASF indemnification this year, the DA-10 is eyeing the implementation of a long-term ASF Recovery Program in Cagayan de Oro City next year, to help ASF-hit hog raisers to get back on their feet.

Once implemented, the LGU-led, DA-assisted ASF Recovery Program will benefit at least 1,161 hog raisers in eight barangays in the city toppled by the ASF.

Part of the program is the implementation of the Swine Sentinelling Project to explore the possibility of swine repopulation in ASF-infested areas.

Through the Bantay ASF sa Barangay (BaBAY ASF) Program of the DA, pilot areas will undergo a meticulous assessment before swine repopulation will be started. Enforcement of stringent biosecurity measures in pilot hog farms – commercial or backyard, is also a requisite to commence the Swine Sentinelling Project.

ASF-hit hog raisers who wished to venture into other livestock-based livelihood may opt to avail of alternative agri-enterprise projects such as free range chicken and egg production businesses.

Through the conceived ASF Recovery Program, the DA in cooperation with the LGU will provide bonafide hog raisers the inputs needed to start such ventures.

Director Collado urged the City Government through its Veterinary Office to speed up preparations for the implementation of the ASF Recovery Program next year, by complying with the requirements set under the DA guidelines.

DA-10 will also implement the ASF Recovery Program in other ASF-stricken towns and cities in the region in 2022.# (ATalib)

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – A total of 73 aspiring young agripreneurs from the four provinces of Northern Mindanao hailed as Provincial Winners of the Young Farmers Challenge: Kabataang Agribiz Competitive Grant Assistance Program on Friday, October 15.

The Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 awarded the winners in the Virtual Awarding Ceremony organized by the agency’s Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division via Facebook Live.

Winners include: Bukidnon (31); Misamis Oriental (17); Lanao del Norte (9); Camiguin (8); and, Cagayan de Oro City (8).

The said program was created to provide financial grants to deserving young farmers who are planning to start agri-fishery enterprises, by way of agribusiness pitching competition.

It was conceived to lure the country’s youths to engage in the agri-fishery sector, especially given the youths’ waning interest in agriculture in recent years.

In his message DA Secretary William D. Dar assured the country’s young agripreneurs of the DA’s continued support, believing that the youngsters are the future of the country’s agriculture.

“The agriculture sector is vital in re-energizing the country’s economy. Always remember that the Department of Agriculture is always here to provide support and craft policies and programs that will help our young farmers and agripreneurs,” he remarked.

In his part DA-Region 10 Regional Executive Director, Carlene C. Collado urged the awardees to remain steadfast in their commitment to contribute towards agricultural development.

“The country needs the millennial to commit with a passion to advocacies in developing the agriculture sector of the country. Agriculture is the foundation of food security and the youths are the future of food security,” he accounted.

He added that given the opportunities in agriculture, the youths must open their hearts and minds to be industry players, taking advantage of the economic benefits in the government’s food security agenda.

A total of 125 eligible aspiring young agripreneurs signed up for the provincial leg of the Kabataang Agribiz Competitive Grant Assistance Program in Region 10.

The participants went through scrutinous evaluation and screening of the Provincial Screening Committee organized by the respective Provincial and City Government Units.

The 73 Provincial Level Winners were adjudged based on their entrepreneurial attitude, innovativeness and revenue stream of the business proposal, and value addition.

Each winner will receive P50,000 worth of financial grant from the DA as start-up capital in materializing their proposed agribusiness.

Out of 73 Provincial Winners, 3 outstanding competitors will be named Regional Winners by the Regional Evaluation Committee of the DA-Region 10, to represent Northern Mindanao in the national leg of the competition.

Six National Winners will be chosen from among the Regional Winners nationwide.

The Regional and National Winners will receive P150,000 and P300,000 in financial grant, respectively.# (ATalib)

DA Undersecretary for Consumer and Political Affairs Kristine Y. Evangelista leads the distribution of the 4th and 5th batches of the African Swine Fever (ASF) indemnification fund in Alubijid, Misamis Oriental on Thursday, October 14.

A total of 281 hog raisers from the 10 barangays of said town received the total amount of P5.98 million for their 1,197 culled hogs that were affected with said virus. #

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