DA-PRDP 10 spearheads pre-con conference for the stakeholders of Coco Sugar Processing and Marketing Enterprise subproject.


Tubod, LDN – In preparation for the construction of a new IREAP facility, the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project 10 holds a Pre-construction (PreCon) conference for the stakeholders of the Coconut Sugar Processing and Marketing Enterprise subproject (SP) on February 14, this town.

DA-RPCO10 project director Carlene C. Collado, emphasized that as co-owner of the project, the PGs, the contractor and the LGUs have their own specific responsibility to render from the very start of the project construction until its operation and maintenance.

Director Collado further said that “there are only two directions that are possible for this SP, it’s either up or down. In order to attain a smooth and successful implementation, we must follow the established protocols and guidelines.”

The participants are also encouraged to raise concerns about the SP implementation and iron it out before the construction commences.

The coconut sugar processing facility, amounting to PHP 6,896,000, is one of the interventions included in the Php 16.21-M worth SP.

The said SP is funded under the Additional Financing 2 and will benefit the 357 members of the Mindanao Cooperative Trades and Industries (MCTI).

In a separate interview, MCTI Chair Narciso P. Paitan shared that he has high hopes for the future of their cooperative now that the facility is underway.

“My hope for the cooperative is that when the facility is realized, we can maintain the sustainability of our enterprise and attain our target, which is the increase in income of our individual members, especially our coconut farmers from Php 8,528 to Php 21,616.”

Paitan emphasized that this is also the key to encouraging other members to patronize their cooperative and will invite more members into MCTI.

The SP’s groundbreaking ceremony, held on the same day as the conference, marks the start of cocosugar enterprise SP implementation. #