
Tubod, Lanao del Norte, April 24 – Fresh farm eggs and assorted vegetable seeds in cans and in packets were handed over to the town by the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10).

Leading the turnover is DA-10 executive Carlene C. Collado, which was received by Tubod Mayor Leoncio C. Bagol and representing Police Colonel Rene P. Solidarious, officer-in-charge of Lanao del Norte Police Provincial Office, elect Major Randy A. Pontanes.

The shared eggs, which were donated by San Miguel Foods, Corp., will be distributed to the town’s health workers and other frontliners of the COVID-19 crisis.

Meanwhile, the assorted vegetable seeds in packets (40 at 20 grams, 2 at 250grams) and in cans (8 at 50 grams each) will also be due for distribution to farmers and municipal residents, who want to grow their own vegetables for consumption, especially during this quarantine period.

The other 25 trays of eggs and 84 packets of vegetable seeds, on the other hand, are intended for the uniformed personnel manning the different quarantine checkpoints in the municipality.

Further, about 80 rice farmers in the town have also received cash aid under the Rice Farmers Financial Assistance under DA. Reference codes were provided to be encashed at any M Lhuiller outlet, where each is expected to receive Php5,000.00. #

Standing by its name “Katuwang sa Diwa at Gawa para sa Masaganang Ani at Mataas na Kita”, commonly known as the Kadiwa On Wheels and Express of the Department of Agriculture (DA), is gaining ground as it opens market opportunities for both farmer-producers and consumers despite the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

The DA-Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) and the Agricultural Productivity Office (APO) from the city government of Cagayan de Oro, convened earlier this week, to tackle the strides, challenges encountered, and even the institutionalization of the Kadiwa following an overwhelming response since it took off a month ago.

For almost a month operations, the Kadiwa has generated sales of around Php1.9 million, from its patrons coming from barangays Agusan, Lumbia, Iponan, Kauswagan, Carmen, Puntod, Bulua, Kauswagan, Canitoan, Indahag, Macasandig, Balulang, 29 and 23.

“Through our Kadiwa, urban dwellers were able to buy fresh, healthy and nutritious produce and other food products, mostly from our farmer-groups, including the private sector at very reasonable prices,” Carlota S. Madriaga, regional technical director for operations said.

She explained that the initiative directly links farmer-producers and suppliers to the market, eliminating trading layers, thus translating to affordability of products.

Meanwhile, Arlene Bautista, one of the exhibitors during the Kadiwa, held in barangay Indahag remarked: “this [Kadiwa] is a big help for us. Products from our barangay, ranging from rootcrops, fruits and vegetables were brought and were sold here in CdeO, which allows our local farmers to earn income amid the pandemic.”

Recognizing gains and seeing that more barangays is yet to be served at the same time clamor from previously served areas, DA in partnership with APO has agreed to have this Kadiwa on a regular basis.

“As movement restrictions are being imposed during this time of community quarantine, it is targeted to be conducted from Tuesdays to Fridays to select barangays by the city government,” the director detailed.

Aside from assuring markets for our food security frontliners, Madriaga detailed, that the duo is eyeing for a more seamless conduct of the Kadiwa in the city barangays.

“With the current health threat, we are looking to further decongest the number of people coming into our Kadiwa, as we will open three outlets in a barangay, to allow more room for physical distancing while enforcing a ‘no mask and no exit pass, no entry’ policy while consumers are doing their marketing,” Madriaga elaborated.

For the agency’s part, the Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division is at the moment tapping more farmer-producers and suppliers to source out more varied agricultural products for display during the Kadiwa, including securing its price list.

“By doing so, we can help more consumers identify what to buy and budget aside from preventing them to stay longer while heading out to the Kadiwa,” the director said.#

Letecia G. Ditucalan, Lanao del Norte Provincial Agricultural Officer is thankful on the releasing of the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10’s (DA-10) Rice Farmers Financial Assistance (RFFA), considering the initiative a significant agricultural assistance for rice farmers in the province.

Ditucalan pointed out the timeliness of the assistance, noting onset of COVID-19 crisis and its relevance to the farmers in the nearing rice planting season.

“We are thankful to DA-10 for this financial assistance which is a big help for our rice farmers. Through this, our farmers can buy fertilizers and spend it for farm labor since it is almost planting season,” Ditucalan said.

“More significantly, our farmers can buy their daily needs with this assistance while they are under quarantine or lockdown,” Ditucalan added, substantiating the difficulties experienced by Lanao farmers due to COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Ditucalan her office has been in the forefront implementing immediate COVID-19 interventions in the province.

In coordination with DA-10 provincial office in Lanao del Norte, the province distributed various vegetable seeds to the different municipalities in Lanao.

“We encourage the people in the province to plant even in their small backyard. Their vegetable garden can be essential food source in case the quarantine or lockdown will last longer,” Ditucalan asserted.

Meanwhile, DA-10 Field Operations Division, OIC-Chief, Audy G. Maagad said that the distribution of DA-10 RFFA is essential to ease the burden of Lanao rice farmers while facing COVID-19 crisis.

“With this financial assistance released, we are hoping that the farmers can continue with their farm works,” OIC-Chief Maagad averred.

“On top of this financial aid, DA-10 through its Field Operations Division, particularly the Rice Program will continue providing our support to the rice farmers in Lanao del Norte,” the OIC-Chief avowed stating the agency’s long-standing commitment to provide the rice farmers fertilizers and seeds assistance.

OIC-Chief Maagad led the distribution of DA-10 RFFA to 3,719 rice farmers in the 12 municipalities of Lanao del Norte on from April 20-23, 2020.#

Cagayan de Oro City, April 21 – A monthlong since the COVID-19-triggered quarantine, the Department of Agriculture in Northern Mindanao (DA-10) continues to receive applications for the issuance of foodlane passes, listing releases of 7,678 as of April 20.

This would aid food and production item suppliers, delivery truckers, and other registered logistics/distribution entities to use express lanes in imposed quarantine checkpoints, speeding up the delivery of cargoes from production sites to market outlets.

“We consider them as our food security frontliners,” Carlene C. Collado, officer-in-charge, regional executive director of DA-10 said.

His remark refers to the recent recognition of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) as the government’s partner in fighting the current pandemic.

“For this, they should be accorded with the much needed assistance during this health crisis to ensure continued production and supply of food to every Filipino household,” the DA exec added.

In a related development, DA has extended the validity of previously-issued foodlane passes as per Memorandum Circular No. 11, Series of 2020.

“In light of the extended community quarantine in Luzon, as declared by our President, which are also done in the different localities across the country, foodlane passes issued on March 18 and days thereafter remain valid until April 30,” the director detailed.

On the other hand, the DA official lauded those who have already secured, including those eyeing to get their foodlane permits for their key role in the continuous flow of the food supply chain.

“We can never thank you enough! While most are staying in their homes, adopting among other measures to curb the spread of the disease, you are at the forefront to provide us with food that would nourish our bodies, especially during this public health emergency,” Collado concluded. #

While braving COVID-19 pandemic, at least 13,036 rice farmers in Bukidnon and Lanao del Norte are expected to receive P5,000.00 from the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) on April 20-24, 2020.

A total of Php 65.18 million financial aid was granted to bonafide rice farmers in the two provinces through the Rice Farmers Financial Assistance (RFFA) of the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Program (RCEP) of DA.

The aid is due to small-scale rice farmers tilling rice field two hectares and below.

“The rice farmers entitled of this grant are duly validated and are registered to DA’s Registry System for Basic Sector in Agriculture (RSBSA),” said DA-10 OIC-Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado.

DA-10 Regional Technical Director Carlota S. Madriaga said, “This assistance is given to eligible rice farmers affected by the Rice Tariffication Law (RTL) due to low buying price of palay.”

She added that the aid is intended to support the farmers in procuring farms inputs and foods during this trying time.

The initiative is anticipated to encourage Bukidnon and Lanao rice farmers to continue farming while going through quarantine and lockdown.

This is crucial to ensure rice production and rice supply in said provinces and in the entire Region 10 are unhampered amid the COVID-19 crisis.

The aid is handed to the farmers by commissioning the service of a remittance company. Eligible rice farmers are given official endorsement containing the RFFA reference code to be used in claiming the monetary assistance.

RCEP financial aid is simultaneously released to rice farmers in the provinces of Bukidnon and Lanao del Norte – two of the largest rice-producing provinces in Northern Mindanao. #

As member of the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for COVID-19, the Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) shares the plight of Northern Mindanao frontliners.

The agency commends the bravery and heroism of the region’s health professionals, policemen and information providers in the battle against the pandemic.

In gratitude, DA-10 shares 2,500 pieces of cooked “Balut Penoy” eggs to health and non-health workers in the region from the Department of Health-10 (DOH-10), Northern Mindanao Medical Center (NMMC), Philippine National Police-10 (PNP-10) and the Philippine Information Agency-10 (PIA-10) on Friday, April 17, 2020.

The initiative is made possible through the headship and effort of DA-10 OIC-Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado.

Initially intended for distribution to DA-10’s frontline personnel, its management resolved it is best to share the eggs and whatever COVID-related assistance received by the agency to the region’s COVID-19 frontliners – the country’s modern-day heroes.

“This is an appreciable help for our frontliners and we, in DA, we will always share what we have to other frontliners in the region,” Carlota S. Madriaga, regional technical director for operations of DA-10 openhandedly vowed.

The director acknowledges the frontliners’ roles in manning the IATF operation center, guarding of the quarantine checkpoints and propagation of relevant information to serve and safeguard the public from the deadly virus.

“We thank DA for sharing this blessing with us. Eggs are nutritious so this is good for our workforce who work tirelessly in manning the DOH CHD-NM operation center. Hopefully this effort of DA will not stop here,” said DOH-10 Planning Officer III, Letecia Dolores II Culanag-Abao.

Culanag-Abao urged other government agencies and private companies to emulate DA’s initiative noting DOH’s continuing medical services, contact tracing and psychosocial services amid the crisis.

For his part, PLTCOL Aaron M. Mandia, PNP-10 Chief of Regional Logistics, Research and Development Division expressed his gratitude to DA-10 on behalf of the organization.

Mandia appreciates DA’s concern for the uniformed men of PNP who incessantly guards the region’s quarantine checkpoints. “We all know our policemen are on duty 24/7. What DA shares to us is a big help for our frontliners,” Mandia said, disclosing the eggs will be distributed to the different checkpoints posted by PNP-10 personnel.

The 2,500 eggs shared to the frontliners are part of the 10,000 pieces incubated eggs donated by San Miguel Corporation.

A stash of 5,000 eggs were dispatched to Bukidnon for distribution to frontline workers in the province. While the remaining 2,500 pieces are shared among DA-10 frontline personnel.

In the meantime, DA-10 assures the farmers and fisherfolk in the region that the agency’s services will continue on top of DA’s COVID-19 mitigating action-response.

“DA will always be here to assist our farmers and fisherfolk and walk-in clients while we are going through this crisis. Right now, we are intensifying the processing and issuance of foodlane passes by accepting online and personal applications. Also, we have started the distribution of vegetable seeds to the public. The seeds are distributed here in the regional office and in the different provincial offices of DA-10,” Dir. Madriaga shared.

Mass distribution of various vegetable seeds is in line with DA’s Plant, Plant, Plant Program to ensure food availability in every Filipino household in anticipation of extended community quarantine implementation.

Moreover, DA-10 champions the agency’s success in its implementation of the Kadiwa on Wheels in coordination with the City Government of Cagayan de Oro.

According to Dir. Madriaga, the project has been acclaimed and found very beneficial to the farmers while being widely accepted by the Kagay-anons. “There were clamors from the consuming public asking for the institutionalization of the Kadiwa on Wheels as a regular project of DA-10. Knowing so, we will explore that possibility,” Dir. Madriaga concluded, emphasizing the agency’s continuing services and assistance to its stakeholders will quarantine orders hang on. # (ATalib)

The Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-10) thru OIC-Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado is all out in its effort to help local farmers get by the nationwide implementation of the community quarantine by profitably disposing their farm produce.

As part of the agency’s effort in reaching out to farmer-groups in Cagayan de Oro, DA-10 drives its Kadiwa on Wheels to barangay Canitoan, Wednesday, April 15, 2020.

In coordination with the City Government of CdeO, the agency aided local farmers affected by the quarantine.

“This program of DA helps farmers like us to survive the quarantine. Our members were able to sell their products and earn decently. We are hopeful this activity can be done not just once here in our place,” Lucas Faborada, Canitoan Farmers Cooperative (CAFAMCO) President said.

Home to 33,000 inhabitants, Canitoan is one of the largest barangays in the city. The residents have purchased cheap, fresh and nutritious farm produce such as vegetables and fruits, fish and chicken through Kadiwa.

“DA’s initiative is very helpful to our residents. The products sold are affordable that helped them save their money, especially many are temporarily unemployed. Moreso, they are kept safe from congestion in the local market,” Canitoan Chair, Joshua Taboclaon said.

Seeing how beneficial the project, the barangay chair will be working on another edition of the Kadiwa on Wheels in his barangay for the benefit of the relocated residents in Calaanan.

RED Collado added that DA’s Kadiwa is an avenue for the farmers to sell their products without going through middlemen, aside from its logistics support.

“What we did in our barangay, we encouraged our local farmers to display and sell their products during the Kadiwa. In fact, CAFAMCO is exclusively allowed to sell their vegetable produce today,” said Marley Lagumen, the Council’s Chair of the Committee on Agriculture in Canitoan.

“DA’s Kadiwa is beneficial not only to our residents in this trying times, but to the farmers foremost,” Lagumen added.

DA’s attached agencies such as the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), National Dairy Authority (NDA) and Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) also joined DA’s Kadiwa on Wheels in said barangay.

To ensure fruits and vegetables are safe for consumption, the BPI-Satellite Pesticide Analytical Laboratory collected samples for pesticide residue analysis.

DA-10 Kadiwa on Wheels will be in barangays Macasandig and Indahag on April 16, 2020.#

DA’s Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita On Wheels and Express has brought farmers’ agricultural commodities closer to the buying public within CdeO. (Photo credits: ATCabig) 


CdeO, April 9 – Making its rounds within the city, the Department of Agriculture – Northern Mindanao’s (DA-10) Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita On Wheels and Express displaying farmers’ produce, has generated about P488,613.00 in sales.

Its operations for the Kadiwa On-Wheels has already served the following barangays: Upper Carmen, Iponan, Kauswagan, Patag, Lumbia and Agusan.

In April 7, the Kadiwa Express alone, staged at the agency grounds in Antonio Luna Street, garnered the highest sales at P171,688.00.

The Kadiwa is being facilitated by the department’s Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD), where they sought supplies of agri-fishery commodities, mostly from farmer-groups across Region 10, and directly link them with the market.

Exhibitors included the Miarayon Highland Farmer’s Association, Farm Grown Association of Claveria, Canitoan Farmer’s Association Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Agusan Barangay Food Terminal, and the National Dairy Authority-assisted Northern Mindanao Federation of Dairy Cooperatives.

Private companies such as True Chef’s Choice, Inc. and Bounty Fresh Chicken, including the local government of Claveria also took part.

As response to the COVID-19 crisis, the said initiative has opened marketing opportunities for the city dwellers and farmers alike.

“We can provide the consuming public healthier and nutritious food options at affordable prices, at the same time allow our farmers a fair return of their respective products,“ Carlota S. Madriaga, regional technical director of DA-10 said.

Faced with a public health threat, she added, that DA-10 has emphasized for everyone involved to follow community quarantine protocols.

“Through our agribiz personnel, both the sellers and buyers are reminded to observe physical distancing, proper hand sanitation, and wearing of masks while marketing,” Madriaga detailed.

Kadiwa, which stands for Katuwang sa Diwa at Gawa para sa Masaganang Ani at Mataas na Kita, is a marketing scheme used by DA which directs farmers to the consumers, removing trading layers; thereby reducing the cost of products.

“As we do not know when this [COVID-19 crisis] will be over, the agency will continue in rolling out our Kadiwa stores to benefit more urban families,” the director relayed.

On the third week of April, the Kadiwa On Wheels will head out to more areas: Macabalan and Cala-anan, Canitoan (April 13); Villa Candida, Bulua and RER Phase I, Kauswagan (April 14); Gusa (April 15); and Indahag and Macasandig (April 16). # (JLO)

DA exec Collado checks the situation on the ground to ensure that cargo trucks containing food supplies and production items are gaining easier access in the checkpoints of Malaybalay City, Don Carlos and Lantapan, Bukidnon through the issued foodlane passes.


CdeO City, April 8 – The Department of Agriculture – Northern Mindanao (DA-10) has issued, as of April 8, some 5,335 foodlane passes to walk-in and online clients across the region since March 19.


This in support to the Food Resiliency Protocol of DA for the entire country amid the different established quarantine checkpoints done by local governments brought about by the COVID-19 outbreak.


“It is put in place to ensure that every Filipino household will have access to safe and affordable food,” said agency head, OIC-Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado, noting the issuance of department memorandum circulars 6, 7 and 9 as its basis.


Taking the lead in handling the issuance of foodlane passes is the Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division of DA-10, which is augmented by the Regulatory Division, and the operations centers and research stations in the provinces, as well as from its attached bureaus and agencies.


“Originally done in the regional office, we have branched out the receipt, processing and issuances in our identified processing centers to fast track its releases, at the same time to avoid overcrowding of applicants, which also forms part of our precautionary measures against COVID-19,” the director added.


To speed up processing, the DA exec advised for interested applicants to have their application requirements ready, which includes a photocopy of their Official Receipt of Registration, Certificate of Registration and Business Permit.


Also included in the roster of requirements are duly accomplished Foodlane Accreditation, Foodlane Reference and Statement of Commitment forms.


Of which, a complete list of said requirements can be found at while online submissions may be forwarded to


For cargoes involving livestock, poultry and by-products, additional requirements listed include a photocopy of their handler’s license and accreditation of transport carriers and accreditation of meat transport vehicle issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry and National Meat Inspection Service, respectively.


Entailing success on the unimpeded transit of agri-fishery commodities and production items, Dir. Collado also underscored the strengthened coordination among the national government agencies – DA, Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Philippine National Police (PNP).


“With the foodlane project being a tie-up program, for our part, we will provide a list of DA-accredited foodlane truckers to the DILG and PNP for information, and be relayed to authorized personnel manning the checkpoints. Through this, we can help speed up inspections, as per guidelines,” the DA-10 official said.


The DA exec added that the DILG’s recent directive of dismantling barangay checkpoints in all national highways provincial roads would also reinforce in the easier passage of cargoes and other essentials.


“Only those checkpoints manned by the PNP are allowed and are authorized to inspect cargo trucks,” the agency head noted.  # (JLO)

To ensure available, accessible and affordable food in every locality, the Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) through its Provincial Operations Center of Misamis Oriental (MisOr) continues its turnover of assorted vegetable seeds to the second district of MisOr.

A total of 150 packets worth P19,500.00, was received by Ma. Socorro A. Fabela from the office of the second district Representative Juliette T. Uy. # (AMBManto)

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